Dr. Robert Norman is the founder, owner and CEO of Dermatology Healthcare, LLC. a national company that provides dermatology consults in long-term care facilities. Dr. Norman established Dermatology Healthcare in the early 90’s. Dr. Norman has extensive training and is board certified in both primary care and dermatology. He has used the Ten Commandments of Leadership Success to lead and manage his own businesses. Dr. Norman has authored over thirty plus books and hundreds of articles for various publications including Discover Magazine, American Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, and The Journal of Geriatric Dermatology. Over the years he has been the leading authority on Geriatric Dermatology and has spoken as recent as the American Academy of Dermatology 2012 in addition he served as the Section Director for Geriatric Dermatology for the World Congress of Dermatology in Argentina 2007 and 2012 in Brazil. Dr. Norman also conducts numerous speaking engagements for both private and Fortune 1000 groups worldwide. Geriatric Dermatology has been a passion of Dr. Norman’s as well as his highly caring and qualified team of associates. When speaking and motivating his staff Dr. Norman’s philosophy is “Always to put the patients care first and you can’t fail.”
He is a frequent medical volunteer and is at the gold level in the AAD Leadership Circle for Volunteerism. He has made annual trips to Jamaica since 2009 as well as trips to Guatemala, Haiti and Cuba.
Dr. Norman completed his premed, medical, and public health training at Michigan State University, Midwestern University, the Cleveland Clinic, and the University of South Florida. He and his wife Carol have five children brought together in a blended family. Dr. Norman is very active in his community serving on many service organization boards as well as donating his services. When he can he plays tennis, trapshooting, biking, kayaking and harmonica.
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